Friday, 22 April 2016

What a great concert we enjoyed at Heversham with Gledholt MVC!

It was an excellent full house audience, and we particularly valued the fantastic contributions from Brian Gray standing in for an unwell but recovering MD, Ian Allan, Gledholt's MD Susan Wilkinson, their accompanist, Jane Robertson, Gledholt Chairman Steve, our accompanist Andy Glanville with John Evans on guitar, our Ladies Committee led by Rosemary Irvin who provided excellent and abundant food, Rotary International who arranged the concert and anybody else who I have accidentally missed out! 

Here are a few images taken by Hilary Poole which will hopefully give some idea of the camaraderie and fun which all of us obtained from the meeting of our two choirs.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

A booted and suited Storth 2016 and a blazered and slacksed Storth 2012 for comparison! 
It is a shame that our risers had to be condemned due to Health and Safety reasons but the replacement is on its way, so soon we will once more have the elevation we had in 2012!
The important thing is that in 2012 we loved singing at Storth and in 2016, if anything, we loved it even more!! 
Last night had everything that singing in a Male Voice Choir concert can supply,strong leadership by Ian, excellent accompaniment by Andy and John, a brilliant and friendly audience who were generous with their applause, which feedback made us sing all the better, a good cause that we were all supporting, and a feeling of the best in teamwork that made us all extra proud to be part of.K Shoes Male Voice Choir. There were plenty of laughs which was a great added bonus and to cap it all the food provided by the ladies of Storth was once again delicious in the extreme! Thank you Storth, you have given us some very fond memories.