Tuesday, 28 June 2016

A friend from America accompanied me to last night's concert for Help For Heroes in Preston Minster (a great venue acoustically and in terms of space), in which the Blackburn and Darwen Band and ourselves, although performing extremely well, were completely outclassed by the excellently behaved and vocally fantastic young members of the Lostock Hall Community Choir.
Particular favourites which in his view played to our choir's strengths were Bring Him Home in which he felt the tenors were outstanding and The Water Is Wide, where the choir's enjoyment particularly shows through.In addition he felt the content overall was very well balanced.
All the Band's content was very enjoyable and the children's harmonies were of a really high standard.
Thanks to everyone involved, we all loved it and the audience seemed to as well!!

Our next concert is at Bare Methodist Church, Morecambe on Thursday 30th June 2016 at 7-30pm. 

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Many thanks to Tracie Penwarden, Ian, Andy and all the choir members who gave up their weekend time to attend our workshop today at Stricklandgate Methodist Church and also to the staff of the Shakespeare Inn, Kendal, who provided such an excellent post workshop buffet!! 
At the end of the session there was an obvious and very vocal statement by the choir that we should repeat the exercise at intervals to be agreed, which was a great indicator of how happy the attendees were.
We all learned a lot, admittedly some of it was what Ian has been telling us for some time, but now we have had that advice in stereo we should make twice as sure that we take notice of it, together with Tracie's other advice!
We very much appreciated the added benefits of a qualified third party helping us to constantly improve and can't thank you enough, Tracie.
The Chairman's award for the longest droning noise was won by the Chairman, who unfortunately also won the prize for the most embarassing raspberry like version of what I believe is called in singing circles the "lip trill".
No images unfortunately, due to fortunately rare technical issues....

Friday, 3 June 2016

K Shoes Male Voice Choir, bringing the best of Internationally renowned male singing to The Lakes!!!
In aid of St John's Hospice, Lancaster.
We can't wait for 4-00pm, Sunday matinee, 6th November 2016!!
A class act with a delightfully British wit