Monday, 12 June 2017

We have all talked to men who would like to sing but don't consider themselves good enough! 

If this applies to you or you just want to improve your singing here is your chance, totally free of charge and with no risk!! 

We welcome any men in or not in a choir to apply.

Just click on the following link and then on the yellow bar at the top of the page if you want to register for a place.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

On Friday evening we are singing at St Mary's Parish Church, Ambleside together with Late Night Fiasco, a popular local group who are helping Rotary Club of Ambleside raise much needed funds for St Mary's Hospice at Ulverston.
What a contrast on-stage!!!! talk about eclectic!!
It will be a great evening with a fantastic range of music that should appeal to all generations! Don't miss it!! See you there!

Friday, 2 June 2017

A really enjoyable and totally relaxed Wedding and guess who is the same height as the Groom and standing exactly behind him on the photo? Our own Stevie Wonder, of course!!
And can you stop a landlord serving pints on his Wedding Day? Not a chance!
Thanks for letting us be part of the Big Day, from the Wedding Bus onwards it was extremely enjoyable for all present and the Bride looked fantastic! Best wishes to Lynne and David.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Friday 2nd June 2017 sees the Wedding of Lynne and David, a genuine relative of William Shakespeare and Landlord of The Shakespeare Inn, Kendal.
We are honoured and delighted to be invited to join them in celebrating their nuptials. 
Many thanks David and Lynne, we hope the weather at Grayrigg is the best that the South Lakes can offer! You know that we are renowned for four seasons in one day so we hope the right season coincides with your service!
We look forward to seeing you there and singing your favourite hymns.